Trustee Nominations
Strong boards are comprised of members with a variety of critical competencies that help to successfully execute the work of the organization. Do you have a funeral service colleague who would be a strong addition to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees? Consider nominating them to serve as a Funeral Service Foundation Trustee.
In general, and in accordance with Foundation by-laws, trustees serve up to two consecutive three-year terms. For example, a trustee’s first term would run Oct. 2023-Oct. 2026, and a second term would run Oct. 2026-Oct. 2029.
PLEASE NOTE: Nominations are only accepted from current and former trustees.
While candidates may be nominated at any time, the deadline for current-year consideration is May 1.
Trustee Nomination Process
A formal nominating process allows Funeral Service Foundation leadership to anticipate needs and fill vacancies for the Foundation board considering skill sets such as financial and legal expertise, workforce and staffing knowledge, broad funeral service industry knowledge, expertise in entrepreneurship, business management, customer service, celebration of life expertise and related competencies.
Based on the recommendations of the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees, the Trustee nominating process is as follows:
LED BY BOARD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The nominating process is led by a Board Development Committee that reports to the full Board of Trustees. The committee will meet three or four times per year, aligned with the Foundation’s existing committee schedule.
COMMITTEE MAKEUP The committee is comprised of an odd number of current or former Trustees with staff support provided by the Executive Director. The three-person committee will consist of:
- The Foundation Chair-Elect
- The Foundation Immediate Past Chair
- The NFDA Liaison to the Board of Trustees
COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTION The Board Development Committee will identify and cultivate candidates for the Board, manage nominations, develop and conduct a ranking process for candidates, conduct candidate interviews, and execute a structured approval process. Beyond the nomination process, the Board Development Committee oversees the onboarding of new Trustees and conducts exit interviews with outgoing Trustees.
The Board Development Committee conducts an annual evaluation of current board diversity and competencies, based on the measures outlined in the strategic plan, and creates a list of projected future needs and candidate criteria as they execute their work.
ONLINE NOMINATING PROCESS The nominating process is formally run using an online portal. The nominating form, completed by current or former trustees, gathers information on the Trustee candidate’s current company affiliation, relevant experience in the funeral service profession, recommendations or endorsements from trusted professionals, a high-level summary of the candidate’s critical competencies that will support the mission of the Funeral Service Foundation, and information on how the candidate helps the Foundation meet its strategic plan goal of expanding Foundation performance excellence by increasing the diversity of Trustees based on:
- Competencies and expertise
- Racial and gender makeup
- Age and experience in the field
- Preparedness for leadership
REVIEW AND CONFIRMATION PROCESS The Board Development Committee reviews and scores written applications and prepares a slate for approval by the Executive Committee and ultimate approval by the full Board of Trustees. The full Board vote typically takes place in Summer for terms beginning at the subsequent annual meeting of the Foundation, held in conjunction with the NFDA International Convention & Expo.
In addition to the online submission, the Board Development Committee conducts in-person or virtual interviews with the candidates, solicits feedback from professional references, and – with candidate permission – conducts a criminal background check on candidates who move forward to the approval round.
The committee is responsible for formally notifying successful candidates and securing their agreement to serve as a Trustee of the Funeral Service Foundation.