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The Funeral SERVICE FOUNDATION Distinguished Service Award

Do you have a funeral service colleague who has made noteworthy contributions to the Foundation and deserves meaningful recognition? Consider nominating them for a Funeral Service Foundation Distinguished Service Award. You must be a current or former Foundation Trustee to nominate a candidate for this award.

Deadline: May 1 for consideration in the same-year award cycle.

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Distinguished Service Award Policy

The Funeral Service Foundation Distinguished Service Award was created by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees in August 2021. This policy outlines the intent behind its creation, and the logistics of its presentation.

Arrow Bullet IconELIGIBILITY The award is designed to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to the success and growth of the Funeral Service Foundation and the furtherance of its mission through acts of service or volunteer leadership. An honoree’s financial contributions to the Foundation should not be the primary criteria for determining the award. The Distinguished Service Award may be granted to living or deceased honorees. Current members of the Funeral Service Foundation Board of Trustees are not eligible for the award.

Carmon Family 1

Any current or former Trustee may nominate a candidate for the award. Nominations are required in writing and should include a description of the candidate’s worthiness for this honor. Nominations should be submitted in writing via the online application system or via memo to the Executive Director for consideration by the Executive Committee. Nominees are eligible for unlimited resubmission and consideration if not selected for an award.

Arrow Bullet IconAPPLICATION TIMELINE Nominations are due by May 1 for consideration in the same-year award cycle. The application portal will remain open year-round; applications received after May 1 will be considered the following year.

Arrow Bullet IconAPPROVAL PROCESS During its Spring meeting each year, the Executive Committee will consider nominees for the award. The Executive Committee will present a slate for vote by the full Board of Trustees at their subsequent Summer meeting.

Arrow Bullet IconFREQUENCY OF AWARD The Distinguished Service Award is not necessarily an annual award. It will be presented if and when appropriate candidates are nominated and approved by the Board of Trustees.

Arrow Bullet Icon PRESENTATION The award will be presented in a visible way during the NFDA International Convention & Expo, preferably at the Funeral Service Foundation Donor Reception. An appropriate trophy or plaque will be presented to the winner from the stage by a designated speaker. The honoree will have an opportunity to offer an acceptance speech.

Arrow Bullet IconRECOGNITION Announcement of the award will be shared via press release for recognition in industry publications. The Foundation will acknowledge the award on its website and in its annual impact report.

Arrow Bullet IconNAMED SCHOLARSHIP AND HONOR FUND When approved by the Board of Trustees, a Fund 45 Academic Scholarship may be named for the award recipient for a term determined by the Board. An unrestricted Honor Fund may also be named for the recipient. The honoree (or if deceased, the honoree’s family or designate) will be notified of gifts made in their honor and have an opportunity to acknowledge donors to their fund. The Named Scholarship and Honor Fund are not guaranteed for all award recipients and are implemented only through an express vote of the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees will review the continuation of each Distinguished Service Award Named Scholarship at the five-year anniversary of its inaugural presentation and each five-year increment that follows. A final determination on the continuation of the Named Scholarship will be made at the five-year anniversary of the death of the honoree.

Nominator Information

Nominee Information

Foundation staff will research the Nominee's giving history and NFDA membership status and include any relevant information in the candidate's file.

Please upload any supporting documents that may aid the decision of the board. Consider any testimonials, letters of support, endorsements, articles, etc. You may upload as many files as necessary.
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